Ko Taranaki te mounga

Ko Manganui te awa

Ko Tokomaru te waka

Ko Ngāti Maru te Iwi

Ko te `Upoko o Te Whenua te marae

Ko Ratapiko te kura

Tihei Mauri Ora !

  Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki te Kura o Ratapiko
Welcome to Ratapiko School


Ratapiko School is a rural school in central Taranaki.

Ratapiko School takes pride in nurturing the well being of every student and their families. The fruition of every student is reliant on good spiritual health, good mental health, good physical health and good family health.

We incorporate all things that are excellent about rural schools as well as keeping up with modern educational and teaching trends.- We look after each other, and are tolerant of individual differences, fostering a caring family environment where students can be themselves.



Principal Acknowledgement

E tū rangatira ana te maunga pae o Te Ramaroa. E kōratarata pūheke ana te wairere, a Tūwhātero, hei  kawenga kōrero tuaukiuki iho ki te awa tapu o Whirinaki, mai i a Whirinaki ka rere atu ki  te wāhapū  whakahī o Hokianga Whakapau Karakia. 

Ka pūkanakana ōku marae, ko Moria, ko Pa Te Aroha,ā, ko Mātai Āra Nui. I tae atu te hapū o Te Hikutū mā runga te waka rangatira, ko  Ngātokimatawhauroa. Ko  Whirinaki te paparahi, ko Ngāpuhi nui tonu te iwi. Ko Rāhiri te tangata.

Kei ngā rau rangatira o ngā hau e whā! Nau mai, tomo mai ki te Kura o Ratapiko! Manawanui atu ana ki te hau kāinga o Ngati Maru, te ahi kā e toutou ana i te ahi kia muramura ai i ngā wā katoa. Tēnā tātou katoa.

Victoria Greening-Winiata

Welcome to Ratapiko School. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our website.

We are a small rural school which is nestled at the feet of the great, majestic Mounga Taranaki. We are a tight knit community that works hard to ensure that our tamariki are given all the opportunities that life has to offer. We take pride in ensuring that all our tamariki are equipped and are able to implement all the tools given to ensure they grow strong and confident in their physical, mental, spiritual and family well being.

We are guided by the pedagogy of EnviroSchools, and we also have a holistic approach to our teaching and learning. We encourage all skills and values, we also encourage creativity, initiation , resilience, perseverance and include student voice when  problem solving. We engage wholeheartedly with the environment and take pride in caring for our world. We love engaging with sports and take every opportunity to participate and experience that fire of competition, whilst growing humility at the same time.

We are a diverse school with good old fashion grit, family orientated, traditional with a flair for contemporary. We embrace the technology of this everchanging world and we aim for excellence in whatever we set our minds to.

We have a dynamic teaching and support team, who always go the extra mile to make a difference. A supportive Board who take the time to meet on ground level and ensure that our School is healthy and safe.

Ratapiko School loves having visitors and welcomes new students that would love to join us as we grow and learn together.